Saturday, June 29, 2024

New Release - Royally Arranged, Bk 2, The Royal Series


Royally Arranged, The Royal Series, 2

Amber Malloy

Now Available


💓 Royal Romance

💓 Twin switch

💓 Contract marriage

💓 Interracial Romance

💓 Forced proximity


The Royal Series, 2

Thanks to social media, beauty mogul Astoria Richards fell into a multimillion-dollar business at the age of sixteen. Unfortunately, burnout threatens to snatch the rug straight from under her. With no personal life to speak of, and competitors nipping at her heels, she jumps at a unique proposition from a king. As long as Astoria keeps her heart out of this arrangement, her bottom line would benefit from this weirdness … right?

Raphael Castille needs a wife. Tasked with taking over the throne until his twin brother gets stamped with a clean bill of health, he will be required to play his royal part. A simple one-year contractual obligation to make the people of Calor Dunas believe he was capable of leading their country turned into much, much more. The second he sets eyes on Astoria Richards, all the rules went straight out of the window. No one said love was a part of the deal, but if he stayed around the gorgeous, brown-skinned beauty for much longer, he’d have to find a way to add it to the contract.


The tedious hum of banal banter traveled across the private club’s dining hall. A pompous society where wealthy men excluded anyone who wasn’t a mirror image of themselves. Only the Latino and Black servers in the club remotely resembled Rafael ‘Rafe’ Castille and the legendary man who sat across from him. 

“No,” Karim Richards said with a hearty laugh, “I don’t have a membership.” 

Rafe had met the former Prime Minister of Liaop at the location of his choosing. “My brother says I’m terrible at controlling my expressions,” he admitted, abandoning his spoon inside the confines of his teacup. 

“Not at all, son. If I were in your shoes, that’s what I’d be thinking.” Karim’s eyes darted all around the room. He seemed to be taking in their surroundings. “I’ve been invited for a speaking engagement. Dining here worked better for my schedule, but … I should have reconsidered this.”  

Rafe nodded in agreement. Something about the place set his teeth on edge. Similar to walking into a spider’s web, he wanted to swipe the itchy feel away from his skin.  

“How is the vetting process for this little competition going?” Karim’s open, round face reminded Rafe of a sweet lawn gnome—not the most charitable illustration, but a completely accurate description of the downright adorable man. Karim extended his palm to speak. 

Apparently, Rafe had the floor. 

“From the outside looking in, I can see how this would appear.” Not exactly a fan of this plan in the first place, Rafe sat forward in his seat. “It would be beneficial for the sake of the throne and our kingdom to exude the appearance of strength and stability.” 

“And marrying my daughter will help you achieve that goal?”

Now Available - Royally Screwed, BK 1, The Royal Series


Royally Screwed, The Royal Series, 1

Amber Malloy

Now Available


💓 Royal Romance

💓 One sexy Prince

💓 Runaway Princess

💓 Dating Game Romance

💓 Enemies to Lovers



The Royal Series, 2

Prince Ford Beaumont, who taught at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, loved his career … until his ex-wife got him fired. On very thin ice with the monarchy, the prince is forced to participate in a reality dating show. However, an unintentional ponytail tug to a very sexy princess permanently changes his plans for the worse. Now, Ford only has two choices available: he can either stay on The Establishment’s planned out course or risk his title for the wild child princess.

Third in line to the throne, Princess Belle Deschamps ran from Emerald Isle years ago. She only returns to her birthright out of contractual obligation. Unfortunately, one very public fight with a handsome prince forces her into a one-sided deal that could destroy everything she built for herself.


Ford held the door to Belle’s office building open. As she passed by, the warm scent of apple and cinnamon filled his nose, begging him to get a stronger whiff. The entire time they’d waited in the coffee line, the need to taste her bee-stung lips had distracted him. They were plump with the perfect bow that tipped up. A strong urge to feel her pretty, painted mouth on his consumed his thoughts since … shit, since when, junior high?

He mildly remembered a small crush on the middle child Deschamps, but at the time who didn’t have one on Belle? Even though they had run in different circles, his friends mooned over her. Then one day, poof, she’d been sent off to boarding school.

That memory must have been bricked away. The flashback confused the shit out of him. Teenage years were hormonally trippy, but he couldn’t remember why Belle had been the only child from the monarchy to obtain her education off the island.

Following her farther into the building, he admired the way her curly, black hair cascaded down the back of her sweater, complementing her silky, chocolate coloring. More than once he averted his eyes from that amazing face to concentrate on the conversation at hand. While this easygoing, funny princess belonged to the Windy City, the stuck-up version must have been reserved strictly for their homeland.

Ford didn’t know what he would find once he touched down in Chicago. He’d planned to give her a heads-up, but that idea got nixed somewhere between JFK and O’Hare.

The last time they were in each other’s presence it didn’t go well. Basically, he’d wound her up, finally getting under her skin, and she took the bait. The consequences for the princess had far outreached a little ponytail tugging on his part.  

Still, what he absolutely hadn’t expected this morning before his second cup of coffee was the urge to kill one of the best centerfields in the league.

They continued their trek down a corridor. Once they reached the end of the hall, they were greeted by brick walls with wood inlay and sliding glass doors. A few desks intermingled with a foosball table putting the finishing touches on Belle’s cool kids’ club.

“Is it usually this quiet?” he whispered, hoping Belle didn’t beat her employees. The room full of twenty wide-eyed, staring people reminded Ford of a doomsday cult.

“No, they’re just bedazzled.”


“You… He won’t bite,” Belle announced to the room.

“Are you sure? Because that would be fun.”

Her employees laughed, which helped cut the weird tension, as a very cheery woman broke away from the pack.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Repeat Offenders?

Who among us doesn’t adore the ‘the one that got away’ love story? I know it couldn’t be just me because book shelves are lined with these sweet reunion novels. Harlequin has a line dedicated to pregnant hook-ups, so why not old booty calls?Oops, that’s not how they package it. Here, let me start over …second chance books is a nice way of saying familiar dick. People love these past love story lines. I’m not too sure how many people revisit these types of relationships in real life, but I do wonder where the obsession comes from.
Depending upon the scenarios, I’m game to read 300 and something pages of getting to know you again. I even wrote a second chance romance between an ex-football player and a former ballerina. To be honest,past history is sometimes fun to build a plot around, but in real life maybe not so much.
There was a reason why the relationship didn’t initially work out, right? Could it be that personality defect that couldn’t be overlooked? Or perhaps it was circumstances. Lovers who were torn apart get reacquainted twenty years later. Sweet, right?But in the back of the reader’s mind, everyone is thinking did the heroine or hero change or grow? How could they possibly be attracted to the same traits at 40 that they were at 20?(Only if their maturity was stunted during all that time)What, just me again? *rolls eyes*I highly doubt that.  
Second chance plots can be crazy sweet, but there has to be a certain amount of self-exploration to anchor the story. One side has to be right, while this other side has to be wrong, but most importantly someone has to be sorry. A misunderstanding can occur to drive a wedge, but at some point in the story this has to be acknowledged. Forgiveness is a strong theme here, young Skywalker, and someone better be ready to grovel. Cynical? Maybe a little, but also realistic.In other words, someone must own up to their crap then the clothes can come off. Not always in that order, but most of the time this is the formula that leads to that almighty HEA ending we crave.

Romance VS Erotica

Once upon a time I wrote a romance book and I hated it. Don’t get me wrong,romance is the best—the tension, build up, and strangely enough the insecurity on both people’s part. Most of all I love the flirt. The ‘I like you and I want you, but I can’t come out and say it because that would just make me creepy’. What makes most romance wonderful is the flirt. However, what I don’t love is the purple prose.
Who among us has ever described their vagina as a flower? Okay, I have, but in the context that I don’t have weeds there … don’t judge. Publishers have categories for their genres, and romance tends to be sweet and flowery. Stronger adult language oftentimes changes what would be a romance book into erotica.

Once labeled with that explicit R rating,the plot of the book then comes into question. Erotica is known for sex where the plot will often suffer but that is not always the case. Due to my inability to say “rod” over “cock” I will forever be given the side eye for substance. To be honest, the book I wrote was supposed to be sweet but not downright puritanical. Once the publisher hacked it to death with that red pen of hate, the story became unrecognizable. It took something away from me and the story to give in to that PG-13 rating. After that, I vowed to never bend to those flowery words that only Shakespeare could pull off. Instead I’ve decided to stick with my new-age heroine. “Take off your panties,” she demands of the hero, but with a wink first … you know, because she doesn’t want to fuck with his ego.